Adding This Herb Into Your Diet Can Make You Feel Less Anxious


Not to mention, it has an impact on depression, and sleep too.

by Rachel Linder

Adding This Herb Into Your Diet Can Make You Feel Less Anxious .png

We definitely don’t take food suggestions lightly when it comes to bettering your overall mental health. Diet, though it’s definitely not the end-all, could be a factor when it comes to anxiety or depression—and this herb really does it all. It’s so good that we’re unofficially proclaiming lavender the wonder-herb when it comes to improving mental health.

Many studies have been conducted over the years about the benefits of lavender, and they don’t simply end with helping anxiety. Instead, the bodily improvements span from helping with insomnia to treating moderate forms of depression as well.

When it comes to the specifics about anxiety, one study published in 2013 investigated the effects of lavender on individuals suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. After six weeks, those who ingested the lavender orally, found to have improved mental health and quality of life.

Similarly, a review in the Natural Medicine Journal by Jeremy Appleton, a naturopathic physician, investigated the positive impacts of lavender oil when it comes to mental health. He found that lavender oil has been a successful method through various clinical trials to manage both anxiety and depression.

So, if you’re looking to reap the benefits of lavender when it comes to mental health, there are a few different ways to go about it, but one that Dr. Appleton notes is most successful. Lavender essential oil seems to be the best way to allow this herb into your body. Though this can be done through aromatherapy, diffusing the oil, or adding the oils to your bath, Dr. Appleton highlights that ingesting the lavender essential oil by oral supplement is the best method. Specifically, he notes that 80 milliliter capsules have been shown to be the suggested amount to consume per day based on clinical studies.

Capsules do come in smaller and larger doses, beginning at 20 milliliters and going all the way up to 200 milliliters, all of which have proven to be helpful to a degree, but Dr. Appleton stands by the beneficial properties of the 80 milliliter capsules. These supplements can be an extremely easy addition to your routine and diet that can result in immense benefits for your mental health.