To Jumpstart Your Journaling Routine, This Is The One You Need


Thanks to this journal, you’ll always know what to write about. 

by Rachel Linder

To Jumpstart Your Journaling Routine, Here's What You Need.jpg

When it comes to adding something to your daily routine, it’s so much easier said than done. You could have aspirations of daily yoga or exercise, but a lot of the time life just gets in the way and before you know it you’re stressed out and feeling like there’s nothing you can do. Journaling is something that you easily add to your routine for as little as 15 minutes a day to begin to see positive results in your mental health.

Not only is it simple to accomplish each day because of the relatively short amount of time required for the benefits, but as far as materials go all you need is a pen and paper. You could also use your phone and type your thoughts out on there—anything that will make it more likely for you to accomplish the consistency that journaling requires to be helpful.

If you’re looking to truly jumpstart your journaling and get going on a strong note, we’ve got you covered. Sometimes we find that by having a designated place to journal, you’re more likely to do it. And if you’re the kind of person—like many of us are—to feel like even though your thoughts are going a million miles a minute, when it comes time to sit down and journal you have nothing to say, then this 5-Year Journal is for you.

The beauty of this journal is when you sit down to write it in, it prompts you with a question. That question is completely unique every single day of the year. Then, once you complete your first year, those questions will repeat themselves on the same days that you answered them the year before. This is ideal for a few reasons. First, and most obviously, it gives you something to write about, which takes away the hurdle of knowing what to say when you sit down to write. Another positive aspect about the way this journal is structured is that it allows you to look at your growth over time in a super easy way. Seeing how far you’ve come is so important to understand and also helps you to set new goals for the future.

This journal makes it incredibly easy to start this routine as well as continue with it once you begin. And the fact that it could come straight to your door thanks to Amazon in a matter of days—we don’t think it could get much easier.